The inspiration behind Schnauzer Friends - South Africa

The Schnauzer Friends South Africa □ schroyal schfamily from Johannesburg, HRH Maximillian Gauntlett Sheldon Blane the 1st, puppy Annabella Florence Amy Blane the 4th, naughty schnauzer Thomas Alan Leslie Blane the 3rd and top schnauzer supermodel and community worker Rosabella Catherine Merle Blane the 2nd (who's heart is so big we don't know how it fits inside her chest) from Johannesburg in April 2018.

How Schnauzer Friends South Africa started......
In 2012, I moved out of a complex in Johannesburg to a large 1700m2 property with an amazing large garden. I was excited to get a dog but did not know much about the various dog breeds. I did research as I needed my dog to get along with my three cats. I also wanted a small dog that was robust enough to take on walks and adventures but would also be cute and cuddly so that I could snuggle up with them while watching TV. I found that the Miniature Schnauzer was the perfect fit for me. I researched and found a reputable breeder and waited for my precious boy puppy to arrive.
In 2012, I moved out of a complex in Johannesburg to a large 1700m2 property with an amazing large garden. I was excited to get a dog but did not know much about the various dog breeds. I did research as I needed my dog to get along with my three cats. I also wanted a small dog that was robust enough to take on walks and adventures but would also be cute and cuddly so that I could snuggle up with them while watching TV. I found that the Miniature Schnauzer was the perfect fit for me. I researched and found a reputable breeder and waited for my precious boy puppy to arrive.

Well what can I say! Nine week old Maximilian arrived in December 2012 from Keystone Miniature Schnauzers and my life was never the same. Max has brought so much joy and happiness to my life that I feel I am truly blessed every day to have such a special dog in my life. He is my best friend and confidante. Together we tackle life’s ups and downs, enjoy adventures and have made many new friends.
Max and I attended puppy socialisation classes and enjoyed the classes and training so much we even started our canine good citizen and dabbled into a little agility. When I was at work I would pack his lunch box and take him to doggy day care.
Max and I attended puppy socialisation classes and enjoyed the classes and training so much we even started our canine good citizen and dabbled into a little agility. When I was at work I would pack his lunch box and take him to doggy day care.

I couldn’t wait to get home each day and go to the park and hang out with all the new park friends we made as well as enjoy the exercise together. At night we would snuggle up and watch TV and then snuggle up for a good nights sleep.
When Maximilian was six months old I got a little girl schnauzer puppy called Rosabella as a companion for Max.
Max and Rosabella loved each other from the start and my own heart just grew bigger and bigger.
When Maximilian was six months old I got a little girl schnauzer puppy called Rosabella as a companion for Max.
Max and Rosabella loved each other from the start and my own heart just grew bigger and bigger.
I wanted to be the best mom I could be to my two schnauzer pups and I really enjoyed researching and learning about being a schnauzer mom. I realised that in South Africa there was a lack of information for new schnauzer parents, no regular schnauzer walks and no forum for schnauzer lovers to network and share stories about this fantastic breed. In August 2014 I launched the Schnauzer Friends South Africa community and this website with the aim to love, celebrate, share and enjoy Schnauzers with a focus on RESCUE. I wanted to share schnauzer information, encourage fun, regular walks and socialisation and I also wanted to help rescue schnauzers in need.

My third schnauzer puppy Thomas arrived in November 2014. Max and Rosabella loved their new brother from the start and my own heart just grew bigger and bigger.

My fourth schnauzer puppy Annabella arrived in December 2017. She fitted in straight away and is a bundle of fun and happiness! My own heart just grew bigger and bigger.
Some days I think my heart is going to explode because I love these four miniature schnauzers so much. They are bundles of love and happiness and each have their own unique personality. Max is gentle, Rosa is loving, Thomas is very naughty and Annabella is a bundle of adventure! We all love going to the park near our house in Bryanston where they walk off leash. On weekends we go to the Delta Park in Blairgowrie. Rosabella is a keen swimmer, duck chaser and tree climber but ignores balls. Thomas and Max love playing ball and are not crazy about water. Annabella loves everyone! They all love teasing hadeda’s and enjoy wrestling and playing with each other. They are quite vocal and seem to talk to each other and to me. I recently did a schnauzer grooming course so now I can groom my four as well as any rescue schnauzers that need a makeover. We go on holidays together, visit friends and I throw legendary schnauzer birthday parties ……
Schnauzer Friends South Africa is now the largest Schnauzer community in South Africa with over 15000 Facebook followers. We hold regular Schnauzer Friends Fun walks in a few cities around South Africa. I am very proud of our amazing schnauzer community and especially proud of all the rescue schnauzers we have helped across South Africa. I love the smiles and thanks I get from schnauzers and schnauzer parents all over the country. Our rescue motto is #gettingthewagback.
Yip - I am now crazy schnauzer schnauzer lover and schnauzerholic and PROUD of it!
Thanks for reading!
Deborah Blane
Johannesburg South Africa
On our many adventures......
I could not imagine my life without them by my side.......
Max & Rosa &Thomas & Annabella as Puppies (ahhhhh - so cute)
These are pics of my precious schnauzers when they were little schnauzer puppies .....