Adoption Story: Ndo - Learning to do the Jolly Jive
Roodewal Kennels was exposed as a large miniature schnauzer puppy farm empire. With a kingpin at the top doing the marketing with many other breeders contracted to supply miniature schnauzer puppies into the network. It has been shut down. Between Schnauzer Friends South Africa and the SPCA's 320 breeding ex Roodewal Kennel breeding stock schnauzers were rescued, sterilized, medically treated and rehomed into loving homes. These dogs were kept in horrific conditions outside with little human contact, while locked into the breeding cycle, without a voice of their own. Many were emotionally broken and need extensive rehabilitation. They now have a chance to be loved pets!

Adopting Ndo – Learning to do the Jolly Jive
Author: Deona Spies (Puppy Farm Rescue Schnauzer Adopter)
DATE: July2016
They say ignorance is bliss. I certainly was blissfully unaware of the horror that is puppy mills until I applied to adopt an adult schnauzer through Schnauzer Friends South Africa. Deborah Blane led a team of rescue heroes to get a puppy mill closed down and the hundreds of ensuing rescues adopted. The information on their website left me gobsmacked. Through further research I learnt that puppy mill dogs not only suffer from grave physical neglect, they are also mentally and emotionally scarred.
I adopted Ndo St Madonna on 20 June 2015. I still can’t fathom what she went through, but her experience left her petrified of humans; insecure; lacking self esteem; showing signs of depression (lying in her bed all day) and when she got frightened she would run out and cower in the garden instead of staying in the safety and comfort of the house. She wouldn’t even accept treats from us. She made me think of Dusty Springfield’s lyrics: “If love is shelter, I’m gonna walk in the rain.”
Adopting a rescue can sometimes throw you some hectic curve balls but now, 9 months later, Ndo responds to her new name, Jessie. She has learnt to walk on a leash and goes for daily walks. She loves cars and does a jolly jive (rolling on her back, kicking the air, grunting her approval of going places) whenever we drive somewhere. She’s after all been on holiday to the Cape, week-ends to Bronkhorstspruit Dam and Schnauzer walks! She claims her share of the treats being handed out. She enjoys grooming sessions and baths like the girl she is. Most of the time she keeps her bushy tail held high and her eyes are bright with anticipation of the next adventure she’ll share with her adoptive brother Scully. In short: She’s come in from the rain.
You can read more about Jessie’s journey in her blog:
PIC: Schnauzer Friends Adoption Day at Woodrock Animal Rescue
To read the full story click here:
Our rescue project shows that good can overcome evil. A community can stand together and say no. Animal abuse must not be tolerated! Do your homework. You may have brought a cute puppy, but if the parents are suffering in horrible conditions, you are contributing to this evil trade. Do not support puppy farmers and backyard breeders. Even better adopt, don’t shop.
Author: Deona Spies (Puppy Farm Rescue Schnauzer Adopter)
DATE: July2016
They say ignorance is bliss. I certainly was blissfully unaware of the horror that is puppy mills until I applied to adopt an adult schnauzer through Schnauzer Friends South Africa. Deborah Blane led a team of rescue heroes to get a puppy mill closed down and the hundreds of ensuing rescues adopted. The information on their website left me gobsmacked. Through further research I learnt that puppy mill dogs not only suffer from grave physical neglect, they are also mentally and emotionally scarred.
I adopted Ndo St Madonna on 20 June 2015. I still can’t fathom what she went through, but her experience left her petrified of humans; insecure; lacking self esteem; showing signs of depression (lying in her bed all day) and when she got frightened she would run out and cower in the garden instead of staying in the safety and comfort of the house. She wouldn’t even accept treats from us. She made me think of Dusty Springfield’s lyrics: “If love is shelter, I’m gonna walk in the rain.”
Adopting a rescue can sometimes throw you some hectic curve balls but now, 9 months later, Ndo responds to her new name, Jessie. She has learnt to walk on a leash and goes for daily walks. She loves cars and does a jolly jive (rolling on her back, kicking the air, grunting her approval of going places) whenever we drive somewhere. She’s after all been on holiday to the Cape, week-ends to Bronkhorstspruit Dam and Schnauzer walks! She claims her share of the treats being handed out. She enjoys grooming sessions and baths like the girl she is. Most of the time she keeps her bushy tail held high and her eyes are bright with anticipation of the next adventure she’ll share with her adoptive brother Scully. In short: She’s come in from the rain.
You can read more about Jessie’s journey in her blog:
PIC: Schnauzer Friends Adoption Day at Woodrock Animal Rescue
To read the full story click here:
Our rescue project shows that good can overcome evil. A community can stand together and say no. Animal abuse must not be tolerated! Do your homework. You may have brought a cute puppy, but if the parents are suffering in horrible conditions, you are contributing to this evil trade. Do not support puppy farmers and backyard breeders. Even better adopt, don’t shop.