Rescue Miniature Schnauzer Adoptions
Roodewal Kennels was exposed as a large miniature schnauzer puppy farm empire. With a kingpin at the top doing the marketing with many other breeders contracted to supply miniature schnauzer puppies into the network. It has been shut down. Between Schnauzer Friends South Africa and the SPCA's 320 breeding ex Roodewal Kennel breeding stock schnauzers were rescued, sterilized, medically treated and rehomed into loving homes. These dogs were kept in horrific conditions outside with little human contact, while locked into the breeding cycle, without a voice of their own. Many were emotionally broken and need extensive rehabilitation. They now have a chance to be loved pets!
The story of Bobo St Bonus, now Pippa, from the Highveld Ridge SPCA

I am Diane and I adopted little Bobo St Bonus, now Pippa, from the Highveld Ridge SPCA on the 19th of June. I was there 3 times helping out as a Schnauzer Friends South Africa Tummy Tickler before choosing a broken soul to come home with me. On the third day I saw a little lady staring at what seemed to be nothing, as if she didn't know that her life meant something.
As I walked into the kennel she immediately huddled into the corner as to say 'please, please, please leave me alone' I sat there looking at her for quite a while, staring at the frightened soul that didn't know what love was, what it felt like to have her very own little bed and her very own family.
I have adopted before but have not had any experience with this level of rehabilitation. I just knew that for some reason she needs to know what it feels like to belong to someone that loves her and to have her own bed and a family.
The weekend that she came home was very difficult, Pippa was sick, stressed out and had no energy at all. We took her to the vet and found out that our little princess was between 6-8 years old.
I was shocked, not because of her age but that she had to endure so many years in that horrible place. She got a booster and meds for her runny tummy and was put on a special diet because there is a very big chance that her intestines could not develop properly because of not getting the right nutrition for so long but we have to wait and see if the diet will help.
I am Diane and I adopted little Bobo St Bonus, now Pippa, from the Highveld Ridge SPCA on the 19th of June. I was there 3 times helping out as a Schnauzer Friends South Africa Tummy Tickler before choosing a broken soul to come home with me. On the third day I saw a little lady staring at what seemed to be nothing, as if she didn't know that her life meant something.
As I walked into the kennel she immediately huddled into the corner as to say 'please, please, please leave me alone' I sat there looking at her for quite a while, staring at the frightened soul that didn't know what love was, what it felt like to have her very own little bed and her very own family.
I have adopted before but have not had any experience with this level of rehabilitation. I just knew that for some reason she needs to know what it feels like to belong to someone that loves her and to have her own bed and a family.
The weekend that she came home was very difficult, Pippa was sick, stressed out and had no energy at all. We took her to the vet and found out that our little princess was between 6-8 years old.
I was shocked, not because of her age but that she had to endure so many years in that horrible place. She got a booster and meds for her runny tummy and was put on a special diet because there is a very big chance that her intestines could not develop properly because of not getting the right nutrition for so long but we have to wait and see if the diet will help.

After our trip to the vet she started feeling much better and could now also run away muuuch faster. She avoided eye contact for at least the first 2 weeks and only really came into the house to eat, drink water and sleep (once eeeeveryone had gone to bed).
I started very slow and only really forced contact with her to put on and take off her jersey. She started becoming very interested in what we were doing in the kitchen, in the living room and even dared to enter some of the rooms in the house just to see what was happening.
I had to go away for a week during her 4th week with us and when I got back I got the best surprise ever! My little Pippa was excited to see me, she even jumped up and down and wagged her tail!!! I could not contain my excitement!!!
She has just been getting better and better, it is definitely going to take very long for her to accept that we are not going to hurt her and for her to be completely comfortable with us but we WILL get there, sooner or later.
Today we had a breakthrough, she aaaaalmost jumped onto the couch while I was sitting on it!!! She put her front paws on the couch and looked at me for a very long time (me sitting quietly, trying not to move a muscle) but then decided that she'll rather try again another day.
She has come so far in such a short time. I am so very proud of her and can't wait to see what she'll achieve next!
Pippa whispered to me without anyone seeing that she wants me to write a short letter to Auntie Deborah, so here it is:
I started very slow and only really forced contact with her to put on and take off her jersey. She started becoming very interested in what we were doing in the kitchen, in the living room and even dared to enter some of the rooms in the house just to see what was happening.
I had to go away for a week during her 4th week with us and when I got back I got the best surprise ever! My little Pippa was excited to see me, she even jumped up and down and wagged her tail!!! I could not contain my excitement!!!
She has just been getting better and better, it is definitely going to take very long for her to accept that we are not going to hurt her and for her to be completely comfortable with us but we WILL get there, sooner or later.
Today we had a breakthrough, she aaaaalmost jumped onto the couch while I was sitting on it!!! She put her front paws on the couch and looked at me for a very long time (me sitting quietly, trying not to move a muscle) but then decided that she'll rather try again another day.
She has come so far in such a short time. I am so very proud of her and can't wait to see what she'll achieve next!
Pippa whispered to me without anyone seeing that she wants me to write a short letter to Auntie Deborah, so here it is:

Dear Aunty Deborah,
My name is Pippa and you saved my life. I just want to thank you for helping all of us, we desperately needed it. Although I am still very scared and unsure I know I am going to get better and more comfortable, well, that's what my mom says and she has been right about quite a few things lately.
Guess what??? I have my very own bed, jersey, mom, dad, sister AND even a granny and grandad, how exciting is that???? Everyone loves me and I love them but don't know how to show it yet, mommy said she will show me how to love but this takes time and I shouldn't push myself too far yet.
Mommy says she has brought in an extra hand to help with my stress. She says the lady is coming on Tuesday to talk to me and find out what mommy should and shouldn't do because sometimes mommy can't read my signals.
Without you, Auntie Deborah, I wouldn't be here right now, even though it's been tough and scary, I know I can and I have to push through for my brothers and sister who never got the chance to see how our lives should actually have been.
Thank you, Auntie Deborah, Auntie Jacqui, Uncle Chris and everyone who has adopted, helped and even spared a thought for my brothers, sisters and I, without you, we would not have this amazing second chance at an awesome life.
Lots of love,
Lots of love
Diane Corillon
My name is Pippa and you saved my life. I just want to thank you for helping all of us, we desperately needed it. Although I am still very scared and unsure I know I am going to get better and more comfortable, well, that's what my mom says and she has been right about quite a few things lately.
Guess what??? I have my very own bed, jersey, mom, dad, sister AND even a granny and grandad, how exciting is that???? Everyone loves me and I love them but don't know how to show it yet, mommy said she will show me how to love but this takes time and I shouldn't push myself too far yet.
Mommy says she has brought in an extra hand to help with my stress. She says the lady is coming on Tuesday to talk to me and find out what mommy should and shouldn't do because sometimes mommy can't read my signals.
Without you, Auntie Deborah, I wouldn't be here right now, even though it's been tough and scary, I know I can and I have to push through for my brothers and sister who never got the chance to see how our lives should actually have been.
Thank you, Auntie Deborah, Auntie Jacqui, Uncle Chris and everyone who has adopted, helped and even spared a thought for my brothers, sisters and I, without you, we would not have this amazing second chance at an awesome life.
Lots of love,
Lots of love
Diane Corillon