These are some of our Schnauzer Friends - South Africa favourites.....
Pictured here is the chief of Schnauzer research "Professor G Schnauze" from Germany. He personally consolidates all research information from surveys submitted by schnauzers from all over the world.
Below is a summary of some of the findings:
- Schnauzers absolute favourite thing in all the world is to love their owners with reckless abandon and to spend as much time with them as possible.
- Schnauzers need lots and lots of love and regular tummy tickles and cuddles!
- Schnauzers need to sleep inside close to their owners - even better is on their humans bed.
- Schnauzers love other schnauzers!
- Schnauzers love to go on walks and adventures.
- Schnauzers don't like to be left alone - especially not for long periods of time.
- Schnauzers are the cutest, friendliest and most intelligent dogs in the world.
- Schnauzers like healthy high quality food - and need to avoid fat!
- Schnauzers sneak into your heart and then slowly take it over bit by bit until they own your whole heart and never ever let it go ! NEVER EVER !!!!
- You can never have enough Schnauzers !
- Schnauzers are addictive, You have been warned!